[This post was a record of e-mails in mc7983 from 10-15 Oct 2006]
Subject: Nadge reporting from Indonesia Re: Fuel for sale
> Sun. 15 Oct 2006
--- In http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mc7983, Nik Ahmad Fikri Nik Ismail
Nope Pok Nik, it was just my earlier message that may have morphed into attachment form. Anyway I hope you all had a good sahur together! I succumbed to all the smoke and tears of my journey through Sumatra. Just got back. I had trudged alone three days around propinsi Riau (kota Pekanbaru & daerah Siak) where I witnessed first hand the local farmers' fires and the smoke that's also 'exported' to Semenanjung... The locals (both authorities and people) don't seem to care even if they're in the midst of all their own suffering! So how can they even care about what happens across the border in Malaysia? On TVRI Riau channel, the Pemda (Pemerintah Daerah) rep of daerah Bengkalis, when asked "Bagaimana harus kita tangani masaelah ini, Bapak?", Bapak gave completely meaningless comments absolving the Pemda of all responsibility. What can we expect, when even the Menteri Perhutanan, Bapak MS Ka'ban, live on SCTV on 10th October could finally only say, "...kita harus meningkatkan kesedaran..."! Even the handsome newscaster Bayu was visibly exasperated with his Minister, "Gimana ini? Kita Indonesia malu dengan Malaysia ini Pak Ka'ban, kesedaran apa lagi? Di mana 'enforcement' kita??"... Really, I love Indonesia as my fellow Rumpun Melayu-Muslim country, but things can get quite frustrating here.
Then I was in Lampung province in the southern tip of Sumatra, where it's been in "kemarau" for months. The sawah padi are yellow and dead... And the local government doesn't seem to be willing, or able, to improve the infrastructure and livelihoods that in Malaysia people take for granted from the Malaysian 'gomen'. Malaysian kampung roads are like highways compared to the dismal quality of Sumatran trunk roads. Just about every local person I meet laments the korupsi that results in bad living standards... Yet Indonesia is RICH! I was there indeed because of business in all the fabulous natural wealth it has. And many Indonesians I meet say that if their country were administered at least as well as Malaysia is, they would be among the richest nations on earth. For example, Indonesia has four times more oil & gas than Malaysia does, but Petronas is four times wealthier than Indonesia's Pertamina! And yet if you look at it politically, Malaysia's non-serumpun ethnic percentile mix is three times potentially more volatile than Indonesia's (referring to the 2003 ISEAS comparative study on volatility of political factors).
Many times after coming back from places like these, masyaAllah you really feel so grateful to be Malaysian. Anyway, forgive my rambling. Aku tetap cinta padamu Indonesia.
Ya Allah, teguhkan iman kami umat Malaysia & Indonesia, berikan kekuatan untuk kami mengatasi segala macam kelemahan & cabaran, eratkan persaudaraan & permuafakatan kami dan sudahi umat Islam Malaysia & Indonesia dengan kemenangan dunia & akhirat.
Mohon disahut dengan "Amien"! Bangkitlah Nusantara!! -nadge-
Subject: Re: [mc7983] For Sale
I hope this is not being sent to be fuel for more forest fires in Kalimantan? I'm still in Riau and the air is absolutely choking with smoke. There was coverage on Indonesia's SCTV and TVRI today, and as usual there are top people here blaming Malaysians but without proof, on Malaysian plantation companies and investors in Sumatra and log buyers and people selling cheap fuel to poor farmers to burn land for clearing in Kalimantan. Hmmm...
I'll be back in our alhamdulillah much-less-messy tanahair for our Sahur on 14th. -nadge-
------ Original Message -----
From: Shamshul Baharin
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:08 amSubject: Re: [mc7983] For Sale
Can you supply item 2 in drums? Delivery to Balik Papan in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Give price and specs please?
>> Ahmad Nizam Azim wrote:
>> 2. Industrial 'legal' diesel.> I can supply anywhere in Malaysia at a price of what you are getting or a bit less.> 10,000 to 21,000 liters per load.>> Lastly........14th ni sahur on ka? at Paya Serai?>> thank you.>>
----- Original Message -----
From: Nadge
Date: Monday, October 9, 2006 8:39 pmSubject: Riau RE: [mc7983] For Sale
Salam dari Seberang! Aku di Pekanbaru, Riau, Sumatera. Jerebu sini lagi hebat. Depa panggil 'kabut'. Tapi depa macam tak kesah aja. Kalau di tempat sendiri dah tak ambik pudul, apa lagi depa nak kesah kalau kita di Malaysia kalut. Bila aku sebut pasal masalah asap ni, depa gelak- gelak! Macamana umat Rumpun Melayu nak maju camni?
Esok aku pi ke Kabupaten Siak yang terkenal di zaman Kesultanan Melaka, tambah 3 jam naik 4WD dari Pekanbaru, nak tengok sendiri berapa banyak lagi hutan & ladang terbakar.
Anyway, batch kita pernah buka puasa, ingat tak di Century Paradise Club dulu. Masa tu aku baru kahwin. Mat Yoq uruskan tak silap.>
-indiana nadge in the land of smoke-
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